I am married to my best friend, Stan. The Lord blessed us with a delightful son, Andrew. I enjoy cooking, sewing, reading and traveling. Most of all I cherish the time alone with my family after a busy work day.
and grew strong as a boy must grow who does not know that he is learning any lessons, and who has nothing in the world to think of except things to eat. (Rudyard Kipling)
Andrew was delighted with a Walnut Mocha Torte with seven candles on it. As requested his cake was adorned with soldiers. Andrew has brought a lot of joy into our home during the last seven years. We are blessed to have such a delightful son!!
Three teeth are missing!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Andrew's birthday is on Saturday, so I took some cupcakes to his class today. They were enjoyed by all! Now we are seven!!! Miss Preteroti had a cake stander that lit up and played the tune "Happy Birthday".
Back to Home Depot for our monthly project. This month he built a butterfly house. It still needs painted before mounting it outside. This could be interesting!!
He still thinks it is better for me to hold the nails while he hammers!!
Posing with classmates after the egg hunt. (Canton D. was visiting his brother's class.) He gathered a basket of goodies thanks to Tiffany and Sue for providing the eggs and hiding them.